R and A Engineering remain committed to the manufacture of precision components to the highest quality standards. A dedicated well equipped quality and inspection department has been setup to fortify our commitment to meeting & surpassing NQA / UKAS & BS EN ISO 9001:2015 high standards. Components are stringently examined using a Mitutoyo co-ordinate measuring machine and extensive calibration equipment & gauges.
Our equipment includes:
- CNC Aberlink Axiom Too – CMM
- Keyence IM-7500 – Image Dimension Measurement System
- Mitutoyo – PJ-A3010F-100 Shadow Graph
- Mitutoyo Electronic Surface Tester
- Mitutoyo Linear Height Gauge
- Full Range of Digital Metric, Imperial Micrometers & Vernier Calipers
- Depth Mics, Height Gauges, Slips Gauges
- Screw Plug & Ring Gauges calibrated to national standards
- Precision Bore Gauges
All the above equipment is fully calibrated and certificated to UKAS traceable national standards.

Our Policy on Quality
R & A Engineering Ltd is committed to the effective implementation and maintenance of a quality management system which satisfies the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015. We are further committed to ensuring that we satisfy all legal/statutory requirements as applicable and to enhancing customer satisfaction.
By adopting a ‘process’ approach we will promote a greater understanding and a more effective control of inputs and outputs and the effects on stakeholders.
By process performance evaluation and monitoring we will provide a platform for continual improvement and a framework for setting objectives.
By engaging in risk-based thinking, we will strive to mitigate business risks and embed this thinking in our quality management system elements and design.
This policy and the Quality Management System are fully endorsed and supported by the senior management team.